Climate of Justice :
Investing in equality
Around the world, the climate crisis threatens the future and present of people, especially women and youth. To help build a sustainable future, Canada has a duty to act. Let’s demand that our government stop funding polluting projects. This includes better regulation of the financial sector and an end to harmful investments. Together, let’s make our voices heard so that climate issues are a priority in our society! Let’s create a climate of justice today to build a future of equality.
What future do we want? Solidarity and the environment have always been strong canadians values. Sorting our waste or composting is important! But it won’t be enough.
Large institutions, like banks and governments, have a major role to play. Let’s demand that they stop fuelling the climate crisis and investing in environmentally damaging projects.
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What are we asking of the government?
Regulating the banking sector for sustainable finance
Disengage from fossil fuels to protect the planet
Hearing the voice of the people excluded from power
Supporting the countries most affected by the climate crisis
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Regulating the banking sector for sustainable finance
Every green project, like every polluting project, is supported by a bank. However, it is impossible to know the carbon footprint of the projects that are financed with our savings. In fact, no Canadian bank has yet disclosed the polluting emissions it finances. This is why we are calling for better regulation of the financial sector so that :
Canadian banks disclose the carbon footprint of their investments (not just their operations)
Banks take climate risk into account in their investments
Canada’s banks release plan to become carbon neutral by 2035
There should be clear standards for green funds, as in the European Union
The final recommendations of Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance be implemented and the federal Climate Aligned Finance Act (S-243) be passed and implemented
The carbon footprint of the banking sector
Disengage from fossil fuels to protect the planet
“To provide a safe environment for both people and nature, it will be essential to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including those from burning fossil fuels in the near future.”
⧠IPCC (2022)
The combustion of fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, is one of the main causes of air pollution. In 2021, it will account for nearly: 89% of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector. Urgent action is needed to:
Demand that the federal and provincial governments divest from the fossil fuel sector by 2025
Hearing the voice of the people excluded from power
Ensure that women, youth, indigenous and marginalized communities are heard and actively participate in climate-related decision-making
Establish the permanent youth committee on climate as adopted in April 2022 by lâAssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec.
Supporting the countries most affected by the climate crisis
Footing the bill
Climate change is a costly, and sometimes deadly, reality that hits people in low-income countries the hardest. Did you know that nearly 80% of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture? That’s why we need to:
Ensure that communities affected by climate-related disasters receive adequate assistance in dealing with the damage caused
Ensure adequate and sustainable climate finance to support the most affected communities
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Want to do more for the climate?
Oxfam-Québec and its partners are taking action to ensure that the voices of Quebec youth are heard. Are you concerned about climate issues? Participate in the COP27 climate negotiations or join our delegation!
Participate in the COP27 climate negotiations from Quebec
Do you want to get more involved for a climate of justice? Participate in the 2nd edition of the Climate Dialogues!
This way, you will be able to understand the issues debated this year and actively follow the climate negotiations at COP27, while keeping both feet in Quebec.
What is the COP 27? It is the 27th conference on climate. It will bring together countries from around the world from November 7 to 18, 2022, in Egypt.
Find out more
Join the Future Generations Delegation
Created in the fall of 2021 with the support of Oxfam-Québec, the delegation is making the voice of youth heard on the future of climate change. Recently, it has promoted the adoption of a motion by the National Assembly of Quebec. This motion aims to create a permanent youth committee on climate.
In November 2022, as part of the 2nd edition of the Climate Dialogues, the delegation will conduct a consultation with other youth on the desired direction and shape of this committee. Interested? Join the Future Generations Delegation now!
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Climate activists take action around the world
Greta Thunberg’s name is often associated with that of environmental activism. With her, other women are committed to the climate and human rights, all over the world.
To go further
Learn more about ways to tax wealth
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