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Oxfam-Québec’s partners

Oxfam-Québec collaborates with a range of partners and relies on influence networks to bolster the impact of its actions. These valuable alliances strengthen our ability to fight poverty and injustice.

Oxfam-Québec is a member of several Canadian and global networks

International cooperation and humanitarian aid require the support of solid allies. That’s why Oxfam-Québec is a member of several networks, both within Canada and worldwide.

Oxfam-Québec relies on the support of Quebec organizations in developing its projects

Oxfam-Québec acts in tandem with provincial organizations to mobilize Quebecers and specifically to ensure youth voices are heard on issues of intergenerational, social, economic, climate and gender justice.

Oxfam-Québec develops sustainable projects with its Southern partners

Oxfam-Québec partners with organizations operating in the South, who in turn collaborate with local populations to carry out sustainable development programs. These programs seek to foster sustainable food, advocate for the right to be heard and promote gender equality.


Latin America and the Caribbean


Accion Cultural Loyola – ACLO 

Centro de Estudios y Apoyo al Desarrollo Local – CEADL 

Centro de Promoción e Investigación del Campesinado – CIPCA 

Centro Juana Azurduy – CJA

Compa Trono – CT

Fundación Infocal La Paz – FILP 

Fundación para la comunicación intercultural – CEFREC

Instituto Formación Femenina Integral – IFFI 

Instituto para el Hombre la Agricultura y la Ecologia – IPHAE



Asociación Departamental de Usuarios Campesinos de Cundinamarca – ADUC 

Convergencia alternativa en economía social y solidaria por la paz – CASSP

Corporación en investigación y acción social y económica – CIASE 

Colectivo Tierra Libre 

Federación de mujeres campesinas de Cundinamarca – FEDEMUCC


Association des Femmes de Sainte Thérèse d’Avila d’Haïti – AFASDAH

Association Nationale des Transformateurs de Fruits – ANATRAF 

Atelier de transformation Men nan Men 

Atelier des transformateurs paysans de Plaatana – ATPP

Chambre des métiers et d’artisanat d’Haïti – CMAH 

Coopérative pour le développement de Saint-Michel de l’Attalaye – COOPEDSA

Groupe d’appui aux réfugiés et rapatriés – GARR 

Institut national du Café Haïtien – INCAH 

Institut de technologie et d’animation – ITECA

Organisation pour le développement communautaire de Thomazeau – ODECT

Réseau des Coopératives Caféières du Sud – RECOCAS

Solidarité Haïtienne pour le Développement de Kenscoff – SOHADERK 

Solidarité FanmAyisyèn – SOFA Saint-Michel 

Middle East

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