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Frequently asked questions

If you’re looking for answers to questions that others have already asked, you’re in the right place! If you don’t find the explanation you seek, feel free to communicate directly with Oxfam-Québec, using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

flècheDonations and expenditures

flècheGetting involved with Oxfam-Québec

flècheContacting Oxfam-Québec

About donations and expenditures

How are my donations used?

Donations made to Oxfam-Québec are used to combat poverty and injustice through the deployment of sustainable development projects. Their objectives include:

  • Ensuring populations have access to clean drinking water
  • Supporting communities’ efforts to feed themselves
  • Strengthening the economic empowerment of women and young people
  • Combating violence against women and girls
  • Delivering humanitarian assistance in emergency situations.

How can I donate to Oxfam-Québec?

There are several ways to donate to Oxfam-Québec:

  • By completing a secure online form 
  • By calling (514) 937-1614 or 1-877-937-1614 (Option 1)
  • Or by mailing a cheque to :
    • Oxfam-Québec | Donor Services
      2330 Notre-Dame Street West
      Montreal (Quebec) H3J 2Y2.

For fresh ideas on how to help combat poverty, you can also visit the “Other ways of gifting” page.

Can I donate to a specific country?

You can make an online donation targeting a country where Oxfam-Québec is currently delivering emergency humanitarian assistance, For example :

  • in Syria where an armed conflict has raged since 2011, or
  • in Yemen to respond to the cholera epidemic and help meet local food needs.

You can also allocate your donation to a country in which Oxfam-Québec designs and deploys long-term projects. To do so, simply contact our Member Services office by:

Donations that are not specifically directed to a given country are used to support Oxfam-Québec’s priority projects in over twenty nations worldwide. Here, we rely on our experts on the ground to determine the most pressing needs, so we can best support populations in vulnerable situations.

I made a donation to Oxfam-Québec. How do I obtain my tax receipt?

The method used to send out tax receipts varies based on the donation type.

  • For monthly donations, you will receive an annual tax receipt in late February, via email (or by mail, if no email address was provided).
  • For online donations, you will immediately receive a confirmation email containing a link to your tax receipt.
  • For donations made by phone or mail, a tax receipt will be mailed out to you within eight weeks of the donation date.

I donate regularly to Oxfam-Québec. How do I update my banking information?

If your credit card or financial institution details have changed, you can easily update this information by:

How can I modify my monthly donation?

If your address has changes, you must notify Oxfam-Québec in order to receive your tax receipt and other correspondence. You can do so by:

How can I modify my monthly donation?

To make changes to your monthly donation, please contact us:

I communicated with someone about making a donation. How can I be certain this person really works for Oxfam-Québec?

By phone, on the street or at home, you should be mindful of certain details to ensure a person is truly acting on behalf of an organization.

In all cases, people who are soliciting donations on Oxfam-Québec’s behalf are able to answer questions about our mission, activities and campaigns.

In particular, during phone solicitations, you will be able to validate that the details brought to your attention match your past history with our organization (for example, your signature on a petition about a specific topic).

At home or on the street you can ensure that solicitors:

Can I donate books, clothing, stamps or other goods to Oxfam-Québec?

Oxfam-Québec does not accept gifts-in-kind. Instead, the organization prefers to stimulate local economies and enable communities in emerging countries to gain greater autonomy. Moreover, Oxfam-Québec does not have the resources to sell donated goods and earn revenue.

What is Oxfam-Québec’s Charitable Registration Number?

Oxfam-Québec is a charitable organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency under the number 11907 5091 RR0001.

I’m in a difficult situation. Can Oxfam-Québec help me?

Oxfam-Québec is an international cooperation organization with a specific mission, objectives, and expertise. Our organization can only provide support within this specific context.

How much do Oxfam-Québec’s leaders earn?

Every year, the Canada Revenue Agency publishes the salaries of all Oxfam-Québec leaders. To learn more about this topic, consult Oxfam-Québec’s Compensation Policy.

What are Oxfam-Québec’s administration costs?

In 2019-2020, Oxfam-Québec reported administration costs of 8.6%. Full details are available in our 2019-2020 Annual Report as well as our most recent financial statement.

Category: Getting involved with Oxfam-Québec

How can I get a job at Oxfam-Québec?

To do so, you can respond to an employment opportunity posted by Oxfam-Québec or send us an unsolicited application.

How can I become a voluntary cooperant for Oxfam-Québec?

To do so, you can respond to an employment opportunity posted by Oxfam-Québec or send us an unsolicited application.

How can I become an Oxfam-Québec member?

To become a member, you need only make a donation to Oxfam-Québec. As a member, you can influence the organization’s policy directives.

How can I become an Oxfam-Québec volunteer?

To do so, you can respond online to a volunteer opportunity posted by Oxfam-Québec  or send us an unsolicited application.

How can I become an Oxfam-Québec intern?

To do so, you can respond online to a volunteer opportunity posted by Oxfam-Québec  or send us an unsolicited application.

How do I become an Oxfam-Québec partner in one of its program countries?

To become an Oxfam-Québec partner, please send a detailed proposal to info.oxfamqc@oxfam.org.

I responded to an offer. How can I verify that it is from Oxfam-Québec?

False correspondence and job postings are sometimes circulated in the name of Oxfam-Québec. Please note that we do not provide immigration assistance. Therefore, we will never ask you to pay any fees related to a work visa.

The offers and mandates offered by Oxfam-Québec are available at https://oxfam.qc.ca/emplois/. Following your application, if we communicate with you by email, ensure that the shipping address ends at @oxfam.org or @oxfam.qc.ca

If in doubt, contact us by email at info.oxfamqc@oxfam.org or by phone at 514 937-1614.

Category: Contacting Oxfam-Québec

How can I contact Oxfam-Québec?

To learn more about the different ways to contact Oxfam-Québec, please visit the “Contact Us” page of this website.

How can I contact Oxfam-Québec’s Member Services?

You can contact Member Services by:

  • emailing us at don.oxfamqc@oxfam.org
  • calling us at (514) 937-1614 or 1-877-937-1614 (Option 1) or
  • writing to us at:
    • Oxfam-Québec | Member Services
      2330 Notre-Dame Street West
      Montreal (Quebec) H3J 2Y2

I wish to stop receiving messages from Oxfam-Québec. What should I do?

To remove your name from our mailing lists, please contact Member Services by:

  • emailing us at don.oxfamqc@oxfam.org
  • calling us at (514) 937-1614 or 1-877-937-1614 (Option 1) or
  • writing to us at:
    • Oxfam-Québec | Member Services
      2330 Notre-Dame Street West
      Montreal (Quebec) H3J 2Y2

How do I communicate a case of misconduct at Oxfam-Québec?

  • To confidentially communicate information about a potential case of misconduct, you can contact Oxfam-Québec by:

I’m looking for a former Oxfam-Québec employee. How can I contact this person?

For confidentiality purposes, Oxfam-Québec does not disclose any personal information about our organization’s former or current collaborators.

Is Oxfam-Québec present on social media?

Can Oxfam-Québec share my posts on its social media accounts?

For the purposes of proper management and non-partisanship, Oxfam-Québec’s communications only pertain to activities in which it takes part, and issues of interest to its own communities.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to Oxfam-Québec. An answer will be sent to me in the next few days.

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To go further

flècheDiscovering projects that change lives

flècheConsult the offers of available mandates

flècheMake a donation to support our projects

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